Welcome to Urgent Evoke Wiki []
Urgent Evoke Wiki is a collaborative website about the ARG, Urgent Evoke by Jane McGonigal and people from across the world that anyone can edit!
The EVOKE storyline[]
The EVOKE comic book storyline, episode by episode[]
The EVOKE organizations[]
The EVOKE comic book characters[]
The EVOKE locations[]
Finding EVOKE Content[]
StandardTag Directory[]
Use these tags to help your evidence be found by others.
Use the directory to find content you're interested in.
Argument Map Directory[]
Use argument maps to summarize discussions in blog posts.
EVOKE Agents guilds and projects[]
In order to keep track of all that is currently happening around the Network, we'll try to keep track of Agents-projects and tools that facilitate such projects.
Guilds are groups of interest dedicated to the accomplishment of a general goal.
Women's Health Forum / Affinity Group
Projects are groups of interest dedicated to the accomplishment of a specific goal.
Ashcloud - can we do something creative about the ashcloud situation, networking people and produce that are stuck?
Calling All Teachers - A matching project to pair EVOKE-involved teachers in developed and developing countries
Climate Change - A project dedicated to researching the causes and consequences of global planetary warming on human cultures and lifestyle
Collaboration Tools - A list of tools and projects aimed at facilitating collaboration and information management on EVOKE
Hydroponics starter kit - This project is focusing on developing hydroponics culture starter kits for all willing to try that mode of farming
Minimus EVOKE RPG - This project aims at getting people to play a Role-Playing Game campaign based in the world of EVOKE
Oilspill - sunnydepree EVOKEs the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.
Additional Information[]
- Evoke Blog
- Four rules for Evoking (Evoke Blog)
- Evokenet Twitter feed
- Evoke Facebook page
- McGonigal blog
- Alchemy's Evoke videos